Auckland Music Update
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Muffins and Moccacinos

Tonight only, at Rakinos!

Thu 17th May 8pm
Foghorn Rakinos Café, 35 High St, Central Auckland.
Thu 31st May 10pm
Foghorn and Slowdeck Tabac Bar, 6 Mills Lane, Central Auckland.
Thu 21st June 10pm
Foghorn are Keepin' in Real Galatos Bar, Galatos St, K'rd.

Foghorn Website

Site of the week:

The Village Voice (New York)
An article on the concept of a "DNA Bomb".

...Monsanto's spokesman isn't impressed, dismissing the idea as "science fiction." He notes that farmers encounter such "superweeds" every year. If you farm Roundup Ready Soybeans one year and rotate to Roundup Ready Corn the next, some stray soybeans are apt to spring up with the new season as, essentially, superweeds, immune to the company's herbicide. The solution? Add another herbicide or use another company's GM seeds for your crop rotation...

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Dam Native

Gig guides:


bFM Entertainment Guide Online

NZ music:

Amplifier - NZs best MP3 site

NZ Music Website

Custom Rust - Custom made bass guitars