If you think that there is no good software for the then think again. This website was authored using Ibrowse, AWeb, Pageliner (text editor), DeluxePaintAGA (get a demo version of DPaintV), MainActor1.55, ImageFX, WhirlGif (for the animated Gif's), and is then FTP'ed to the IHUG server with either AmiFTP or MountFTP. I don't have to type FTP commands either. To update my webpage, I just drag the file into the correct folder.
Visit my
Trippy Visuals page.
For info on how to create Animated Gifs on the
545Mb Seagate EIDE HDD, 28,800 modem, Two external floppy drives, Canon BJ130, got this for $100!!! It even does A3. KTX 15" digital multisync, good quality, cheap, flat-screen, and a Marantz model 1120 amp (left channel cuts out every now and then, but it has a very fat bass-end). |