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Drum kit demo: Polyrhythmic snare 3 against 4 over fast jazz swing 8 bars

Posted by tomachi on July 11th, 2018 filed in Drums, Videos

This is a drum kit demonstration. A polyrhythm is when you can discern while listening more than one main beat tempos and that these do not sub divide into each other by multiples of 2. So a beat which contains tempos like 50, 100 and 200 is not a polyrhythm, but if you can hear tempos like 50, 75 and 80 all at once, then what you have there may very well be described as a polyrhythm. Mathematically speaking the tempo numbers make up the odd order fractions: thirds, fifths, sixths, sevenths, but not eighths or twelves if that makes sense. The even order ones are debatable in my opinion.


However polyrhythms are not tuples, which in this case means to say a "three against four" polyrhythm does not involve any triplets. Or that a "five against four" rhythm does not involve any pentuplets. This video shows a polyrhythm of 3/4 which means for each 4 quarter notes in the 4/4 measure, there is going to be exactly 3 snares or exactly an average of 0.75 snares per beat (which makes no sense) but you get the point. Hopefully. 🙂

Thanks to:

The Commodore - Original Funk Review Feat. Ron La Pread

Posted by tomachi on May 17th, 2018 filed in Gigs

7 days ago last Thursday I jammed with a living legend, original bass player from 70s funk mega-group The Commodores and in my opinion composer of most the best, nastiest and funkiest tracks by the band such as Brick House, Easy, I Feel Sanctified, Young Girls are My Weakness, Too Hot Ta Trot, and the steaming mad with funk hit: Look What You've Done To Me Baby!

Ron La Pread is his name, still going strong, and all going to plan we will form a Commodores official review band and do some touring and hopefully also recording upcoming...

...hopefully my next email will be with dates for our first gig.

The Setlist So Far

The Commodore - Original Funk Review Feat. Ron La Pread Playlist: (redirects to the youtube playlist I just made)