Tomachi Anthology Torrent 2018 :: My life's work in audio over 200 tracks
Posted by tomachi on May 5th, 2018 filed in Music BusinessSurprise! Nearly 17 hours of audio via 218 songs using 5 Gigabytes, here is every decent tune I ever did:
Note from Tom:
I put this archive together for a few reasons. One was that, since most of my drives are encrypted, there is less chance for anybody to compile anything about who I was if i were to suddenly pass away. Or if a meteor hits my house and deletes the files. This is a decent backup.
The actual reason was to promote my music and increases it's reach in a way that would be less likely effective a song at a time or even an album or artist anthology at a time. By combining all my work into a single volume enables greater "audio cross pollination" for want of a better way of describing the music discovery process.
How do people discover music these days anyhow? Odd that the "file" is becoming extinct - with the uptake of streaming services many people I know now do not maintain music collections.
A lot of the tracks are previously released and available for sale already. A lot is unreleased, and mite never have been. I forgot to add the Queens of the Stone Age track to the file, so for that, click download from the Soundcloud on desktop. (this page permalink) (the torrent)
Planned for the 2019 version: video , tracks by other smaller artists that weren't a big thing (session gigs), for example: PHD Hip Hop, the UK Breaks Co-op version of "A place for you", maybe some more Dam Native from the archives, and my new groups featuring Bryson Campbell (BLKMAN) and Ron LaPread (The Commodores) all going to plan! Don't want to speak to soon though huh? Well at least I managed to get this release out. Darn I just realised I should have called this thing a Discography, Anthology is for books! Doh!!!!!
Help with Seeding This File Please
Also, those who are curious about hosting BitTorrent files, this one is professionally hosted by uploading to Amazon S3 using the cloud as a tracker following Carlton Bale's instructions here. They are aparently OK with that, and reccommend it for moving large files.
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~/P/Tomachi Anthology Torrent â¯â¯â¯ du -d 2
246M ./Astroturf
20M ./Dam Native/Aotearoa... Nobody Does It Better
33M ./Dam Native/June Sessions
53M ./Dam Native
645M ./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct
317M ./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces
7.8M ./EASY/Not Tomachi On Drums - The First Guy Sorry Brudda I Forgot Your Name
7.2M ./EASY/Rough mixes
977M ./EASY
11M ./Foghorn mp3
11M ./Gene K feat. Jinetero MC and Tomachi/Unreleased
11M ./Gene K feat. Jinetero MC and Tomachi
209M ./HMX/Rough Mixes
209M ./HMX
430M ./Jungle Fungus/The Singles Collection
430M ./Jungle Fungus
123M ./One Million Dollars/Energy State
164M ./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)
479M ./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun
119M ./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen
122M ./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down
1007M ./One Million Dollars
52M ./SJD/Lost Soul Music
47M ./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights
99M ./SJD
84M ./The Roughness/7 Track EP Helen Young bFM
86M ./The Roughness/Live at Safari Lounge
336M ./The Roughness/Live at Tabac
506M ./The Roughness
23M ./The Triptonites/Rough Mixes
362M ./The Triptonites/The Triptonites EP
385M ./The Triptonites
70M ./Tomachi/Mic Is Mine - 12_ Single HiFi
407M ./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)
642M ./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi
28M ./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf
1.1G ./Tomachi
5.0G .
./01-Intro tomachi live.wav
./Anothology notes from Tom.txt
./Astroturf/04 Track 04.mp3
./Astroturf/05 Track 05.mp3
./Astroturf/08 Track 08.mp3
./Astroturf/11 Track 11.mp3
./Astroturf/13 Track 13.mp3
./Astroturf/16 Track 16.m4a
./Astroturf/17 Track 17.m4a
./Astroturf/18 Track 18.m4a
./Astroturf/19 Track 19.m4a
./Astroturf/20 Track 20.m4a
./Astroturf/22 Track 22.m4a
./Astroturf/23 Track 23.m4a
./Astroturf/24 Track 24.m4a
./Astroturf/25 Track 25.m4a
./Astroturf/Birthday Jam Jan 13th 2004.wav
./Dam Native
./Dam Native/
./Dam Native/Aotearoa... Nobody Does It Better
./Dam Native/Aotearoa... Nobody Does It Better/01 PROMO TRAILER for Aotearoa... Nobody Does It Better.m4a
./Dam Native/Aotearoa... Nobody Does It Better/01 Sirens in the city (Newtown Sound Version).mp3
./Dam Native/Aotearoa... Nobody Does It Better/cover.jpg
./Dam Native/June Sessions
./Dam Native/June Sessions/
./Dam Native/June Sessions/02 Nobody Can Stop The Pain.mp3
./Dam Native/June Sessions/03 Cracked It.mp3
./Dam Native/June Sessions/04 The Son part II.mp3
./Dam Native/June Sessions/08 Terminal Illness.mp3
./Dam Native/TO BE REMOVED
./Dam Native/TO BE REMOVED/05 05 Sirens in the City.mp3
./Dam Native/TO BE REMOVED/06 06 The Majestic.mp3
./Dam Native/TO BE REMOVED/07 07 Beleive Me.mp3
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/Current Mixes 25 _ 1980.m4a
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/Current Mixes 25 _ 40 Hour week - Take 2 2.m4a
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/Current Mixes 25 _ 40 Hour week - Take 2.m4a
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/Current Mixes 25 _ At it again - take 2 INSTRUMENTAL.m4a
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/Current Mixes 25 _ Hate to say it - take 2.m4a
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/Current Mixes 25 _ Heading Home - Vox rough 4.m4a
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/Current Mixes 25 _ Natalie.m4a
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/Current Mixes 25 _ On a roll - take 2.m4a
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/Current Mixes 25 _ Owe it all - Take 2.m4a
./EASY/Current Mixes 25 Oct/Current Mixes 25 _ Switched on babe - take 2.m4a
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 40 Hour week - Take 1.mp3
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 40 Hour week - Take 2.mp3
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 All in my head - take 1.mp3
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 At it again - take 1.m4a
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 At it again - take 3.m4a
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 El baila Loco.mp3
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 Heading home - take 1 INSTRUMENTAL.mp3
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 Natalie.mp3
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 On a (sossy) roll - take 1.mp3
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 Owe it all - Take 2.mp3
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 Switched on babe - take 1.mp3
./EASY/June 16 First Cut Rough Bounces/june-16 Switched on babe - take 3.mp3
./EASY/Not Tomachi On Drums - The First Guy Sorry Brudda I Forgot Your Name
./EASY/Not Tomachi On Drums - The First Guy Sorry Brudda I Forgot Your Name/03 She smiles.m4a
./EASY/Not Tomachi On Drums - The First Guy Sorry Brudda I Forgot Your Name/Home remix by EASY.mp3
./EASY/Rough mixes
./EASY/Rough mixes/
./EASY/Rough mixes/Natalie - 2trk vid edit HUM Current 4.mp3
./Foghorn mp3
./Foghorn mp3/Foghorn-Easterlies.mp3
./Foghorn mp3/Foghorn-Ocho.mp3
./Foghorn mp3/Foghorn-Sobre_La_Mesa.mp3
./Gene K feat. Jinetero MC and Tomachi
./Gene K feat. Jinetero MC and Tomachi/
./Gene K feat. Jinetero MC and Tomachi/Unreleased
./Gene K feat. Jinetero MC and Tomachi/Unreleased/Bumper Cars - hotel vermont mix.mp3
./HMX/Rough Mixes
./HMX/Rough Mixes/
./HMX/Rough Mixes/Cardboard City (overdubs).m4a
./HMX/Rough Mixes/Disco Bog (Edit).mp3
./HMX/Rough Mixes/HMX (FinalUnmastered 1).m4a
./HMX/Rough Mixes/Mind Control.m4a
./HMX/Rough Mixes/Modern Lies (mix1).m4a
./HMX/Rough Mixes/Soul Music (Final mix unmastered).m4a
./HMX/Rough Mixes/Soul Music (Live at The Wintergarden).m4a
./HMX/Rough Mixes/Steel Yard (mix2).m4a
./Jungle Fungus
./Jungle Fungus/
./Jungle Fungus/The Singles Collection
./Jungle Fungus/The Singles Collection/
./Jungle Fungus/The Singles Collection/01 Say What.m4a
./Jungle Fungus/The Singles Collection/02 Ninja Manoeuvres.m4a
./Jungle Fungus/The Singles Collection/03 More Or Less.m4a
./Jungle Fungus/The Singles Collection/04 Blase Cafe.m4a
./Jungle Fungus/The Singles Collection/05 Sidewalk Jam.m4a
./Jungle Fungus/The Singles Collection/06 Crushed.m4a
./Jungle Fungus/The Singles Collection/07 Final Sesh.m4a
./One Million Dollars
./One Million Dollars/
./One Million Dollars/Energy State
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/01 Who You Are.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/02 On This Day.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/03 Quando Voce Chegar.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/04 Get Off.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/05 The Original.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/06 Happy Free.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/07 Recovery.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/08 Show Me Places.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/09 High Places.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/10 Black Cat Shuffle.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Energy State/11 Musica Na Cabeca.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/03 03 Black Cat Shuffle.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/04 04 Get Off (first ever live show).mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/05 05 Happy Being Free.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/06 06 The Original.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/07 07 Both Hands.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/08 08 Everything is Right.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/09 09 Appreciate.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/10 10 Unity.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/11 11 Sem Parar.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/12 12 Musica Na Cabeca.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at 4_20 (2003)/13 13 Soundcheck version - Unity.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/01 New Worlds (Jason Eli Remix).mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/02 01 Unknown Title Live Song.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/11 Sem Parar.m4a
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/12 Kiri Kiri Countdown and Three Rounds.m4a
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/13 Four Easy Steps.m4a
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/14 Love On The Streets.m4a
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/15 Calling In The Light.m4a
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/16 Stand Up To The Shakedown.m4a
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/17 High Tower.m4a
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/18 So Tired.m4a
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/19 Get Out Or Get Over It.m4a
./One Million Dollars/Live at Rising Sun/20 Walk Away.m4a
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen/01 Sem Parar.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen/02 Hey Vagabond.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen/03 New Worlds.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen/04 Holy One.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen/05 Unity.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen/06 Both Hands.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen/07 Slow Falling Rain.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen/08 Calling In The Light.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen/09 Walk Away.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Soup Kitchen/10 Appreciate.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down
./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down/01 The Kirikiri Countdown.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down/02 3 Rounds.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down/03 Four Easy Steps.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down/04 Love On The Streets.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down/05 Stand Up To The Shakedown.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down/06 High Tower.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down/07 So Tired Of Loving You.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down/08 Get Out Or Get Over It.mp3
./One Million Dollars/Stand Up To The Shake Down/09 Get Off.mp3
./SJD/Lost Soul Music
./SJD/Lost Soul Music/03 The Lowdown Pt.1.mp3
./SJD/Lost Soul Music/04 The Lowdown Pt.2.mp3
./SJD/Lost Soul Music/07 Trubble.mp3
./SJD/Lost Soul Music/08 Hatchback.mp3
./SJD/Lost Soul Music/09 Guiding Light.mp3
./SJD/Lost Soul Music/12 Triptoe.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/01 - SJD - Rising, Falling, Rising.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/02 - SJD - One False Start.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/03 - SJD - Superman, You're Crying.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/04 - SJD - Track.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/05 - SJD - State.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/06 - SJD - From A To B Or Not To Be.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/07 - SJD - The Witness.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/08 - SJD - The Place Is Surrounded.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/09 - SJD - Always Losing You.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/10 - SJD - Southern Lights.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/11 - SJD - Down A Hole.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/12 - SJD - Kill This Track.mp3
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/AlbumArtSmall.jpg
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/FOLDER.JPG
./SJD/SJD - Southern Lights/Thumbs.db
./TA on one line.txt
./TA on two line.txt
./The Roughness
./The Roughness/
./The Roughness/7 Track EP Helen Young bFM
./The Roughness/7 Track EP Helen Young bFM/01 01 Sold Me.mp3
./The Roughness/7 Track EP Helen Young bFM/02 02 Look My Way.mp3
./The Roughness/7 Track EP Helen Young bFM/03 03 Make It Grand.mp3
./The Roughness/7 Track EP Helen Young bFM/04 04 Any Feeling.mp3
./The Roughness/7 Track EP Helen Young bFM/05 06 Cold Cold Cold.mp3
./The Roughness/7 Track EP Helen Young bFM/06 06 Mind Your Mind.mp3
./The Roughness/7 Track EP Helen Young bFM/07 07 Got Made Me Funky feat. King Kapisi.mp3
./The Roughness/Live at Safari Lounge
./The Roughness/Live at Safari Lounge/
./The Roughness/Live at Safari Lounge/03 Intro.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Safari Lounge/04 Look My Way.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Safari Lounge/05 track gap.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Safari Lounge/06 Sold Me.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Safari Lounge/07 track gap.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Safari Lounge/08 Look On Your Face.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/01 01 Make It Grand.mp3
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/02 02 Funk Jam.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/03 03 Conch Shelled Steak Sandwich.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/04 04.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/05 05 Relase Me.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/06 06 Conch Shelled Steak Sandwich part 2.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/07 07 Celestial Blues by Gary Bartz.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/08 08 Sold Me.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/09 09 Look My Way.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/10 10.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/11 11 Release Me.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/12 12 Cold Cold Cold.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/13 13 Toms bassline tune.m4a
./The Roughness/Live at Tabac/14 14 Look On Your Face.m4a
./The Triptonites
./The Triptonites/
./The Triptonites/Rough Mixes
./The Triptonites/Rough Mixes/
./The Triptonites/Rough Mixes/Shell Be Naked - 18 June Keys rush 1.mp3
./The Triptonites/Rough Mixes/Summertime Final Mix 2.mp3
./The Triptonites/The Triptonites EP
./The Triptonites/The Triptonites EP/
./The Triptonites/The Triptonites EP/01 Tripping Out In Mexico.m4a
./The Triptonites/The Triptonites EP/02 Settle Down.m4a
./The Triptonites/The Triptonites EP/03 Tourettes.m4a
./The Triptonites/The Triptonites EP/04 Triptonite.m4a
./Tomachi/Mic Is Mine - 12_ Single HiFi
./Tomachi/Mic Is Mine - 12_ Single HiFi/
./Tomachi/Mic Is Mine - 12_ Single HiFi/04 Mic Is Mine - Instrumental 12_ single master.m4a
./Tomachi/Mic Is Mine - 12_ Single HiFi/05 Where I'm At - Instrumental 12_ single master.m4a
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/A Poem - I only smoked a few trees.rtf
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/Chant Down Babylon (I Only Smoked A Few Trees Fuck The Police) 14 Sept Louder Mix.wav
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/Crappy House Tune 124 bpm.m4a
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/Da Herbal Nite FESTIVAL2018 mix.mp3
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/Earth Citizens - Anthology Mix 4 May 2018.m4a
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/Faster Funk Jam 67 - 1 April mix.mp3
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/Finale Ule.wav
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/Glider - 29 January Mix.mp3
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/Great Western - beatintime more reverb 2018.wav hlink
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/I'm Native - 612 Tomachi - 28 September Quiet Tannoys.mp3
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/intro frame without titles.png
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/Jah Man and Funkalot 86 bpm v2.mp3
./Tomachi/Mr Accident (2nd Album UNFINISHED MIXES)/Skanky Funk - Raw Oldschool Drums.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/01 Intro (Tom Walks Into Studio).m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/02 100 Beats.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/03 Necessity.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/04 Stay This Way Forever.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/05 Hot Laksa.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/06 Mic Is Mine (Featuring Dam Native).m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/07 Beeboo.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/08 Where I'm At.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/09 Flight Of The Yellow Flamingo.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/10 EOG.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/11 Selby Song.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/12 Steak Sandwich.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/13 Percussion Song.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/14 Turn The Lights On (Part A).m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/15 Turn The Lights On (Part B).m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/16 92bpm Improvised.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/17 Chunky Muma.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/18 Tasty Omelette (Chill Out Man).m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/19 Sonorous Citizen.m4a
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/Cello-Francesca.png
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/HVS-AlbumCover.jpg
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/HVS-tracklisting.jpg
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/necessity art.png
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/the players.png
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/Tomachi book-2011-web.pdf
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/Tomachi DISK ART.pdf
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/Tomachi HVS book-proper.pdf
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/Tomachi tray-akzidenz missing font.pdf
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/Tomachi tray-proper-working.pdf
./Tomachi/The Hotel Vermont Sessions HiFi/tomachi-3trk.pdf
./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf
./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf/07 Track 07.m4a
./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf/08 Track 08.m4a
./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf/09 Track 09.m4a
./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf/10 Track 10.m4a
./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf/12 Track 12.m4a
./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf/JustTracks.PDF
./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf/layout-2001.PDF
./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf/V5-PG1 copy.pdf
./Tomachi/Unreleased Earlier Work and Astroturf/V5-PG2 copy.pdf
./toms anthology.png
Living Colour - up close 'n personal at Park West Chicago 2014
Posted by tomachi on April 2nd, 2018 filed in VideosHere is an edit of my footage from this concert. Presently you can't find this on Youtube or anywhere else. AMU 'sclusive'.