Auckland Music Update :::: Gig Guide

Tomachi's live music gig guide and blog

Transitioning kids from receiving from Santa to becoming a Santa

Posted by tomachi on December 20th, 2016 filed in Random

Rachel Beer - Barfoot & Thompson - Making more problems than we're solving perhaps?

Posted by tomachi on December 13th, 2016 filed in Music Business

Short URL: Raven.Funk.NZ   <-- (for word of mouth referrals etc)

Come help with the move!

Starting at 11am next Wednesday 21 December, a moving truck (Auckland Movers) is booked, and the plan is to chuck it all into "transitional storage" pending figuring it all out.

Whack it on your Google Calendar now:   

Tom raps to landlord Paul Chen's answerphone

...after trying for ages to reach him today

As it the tradition with blogs we start at the end and work our way backwards.... So here is why I'm bringing my own private prosecution...

So let's back this all up some more...

Wednesday 14 December 9am

Early last week my cock sucker property managers from Barfoot & Thompson decided it would be prudent to trespass me from my new office with less than 20 hours notice! The basis for this I have no idea about, most likely the lack of an actual fully signed lease agreement, but I have a case running about that. As in before I had even packed in or down. Apparently they got spooked in some weird intangible way about our plans; failing to actually clarify their issues in the process.

I'm hopeful, but there is a definite chance that my business pals Darryl and Chris didn't give me 100% of the information they could have - fingers crossed!!! Assuming they were kept as much in the dark about the true reasons for cancellation of the contract, then we have a case.

To understand it, have a read of the private prosecution I am bringing to them today:

So starting at the start. Check out this Stock Options contract that I wrote. Basically 90% of. I stayed up a bit late though you can hear how tired I am:

So we all put a lot of work into the project. I practically built an intranet in a week or two.

The audio interface

The mics

The idea was for all to take up an office at 26 Wyndham st. Then... i still wonder what happened?

Rachel Beer - Barfoot & Thompson

Rachel Beer - Barfoot & Thompson

Rachel Beer from Barfoot can be heard on this audio file apparently giving me extra notice of this baseless eviction via verbal.


My business pals and I created the ultimate creative community.... half signed a lease and fully paid a deposit.... and now just two days after officially moving in they give 20 hours notice to me to move out! I spent 18 years at my previous at in Ponsonby, building a collection of whacky and funky objects - the best of which have come here and to my new home at a top secret location - and since we couldn't move in right away, actually bounced all this stuff via another location in Waterview via my amazing friend Shane and his moving truck on two totally different days and destinations! The truck did two trips on each day people!!!!! THIS PLACE HAS NO LIFT and it's on Wyndham St a very steep street in central mid-town Auckland, just a marble-balls roll down the hill from Sky Tower badness my main man.

So the manager Barfoot steps in frustratingly..... and somehow they pulled out with only one signature on the lease.

an-offer-of-resolution - Tom's offer to solve the issue.

combined-docs-for-26-wyndham-t-atkinson The Lease agreement, the floor plan, the bank statement showing deposits.

Rachel Beer from Barfoot can be heard on this audio file apparently giving me extra notice of eviction via verbal.



Tom's discussions with the landlords

I hope all have had a chance to read over my offer of resolution (attached).

In the offer I put forward two solutions to this conundrum we face:
1) EITHER we move to sign and place deposit as per normal. My preferred option. Can pay three months deposit every month for three months if agreeable. OR
2) a very short period where I pay full rent in order to find time to move out at a more regular pace. Suggest somewhere between TWO WEEKS and 3 MONTHS.
I would think that it is in everyones bests interests - but mostly yours - to accept some payment from me and allow me an orderly pack down.
  • Consider the following benefits to yourselves by accepting this resolution:
  • I really like the space. Paul first showed it to me on 7 September - a long time ago. It's very good to have tenants that appreciate the space because they will be very well behaved and look after it and always pay the rent on time. My last tenancy lasted 18 years and I never once missed a rent payment, in total putting through over $390,000 over the 18 year period from 1998.
  • Having a tenant that is often in the office during the evenings is good for security and reduces fire risk
  • The location synergises with my interests
  • Considerable sound pollution already exists in the area such as Ding Dong bar in the basement, but more importantly, the other bar right underneath us at level 1. These are fairly noisy things - with drunken bar goers often sitting on the steps to the office. When I come at night I scare them away and deter burglers.
  • I plan to upgrade security. I have my own fully wireless GSM alarm system + motion sensors + distributed webcam software etc.
  • I run a web consultancy: - this business use is in line with the business use on the lease agreement i have
Failing to do so - such as that course that seems to be going down - would put you at risk of this lawsuit / private prosecution and evidence PDF as I am about to file in the Auckland District Court. The downsides of this for you are:
  • I've already contacted fair go and have a massive community of friends and supporters - I am a musician we have friends
  • Artists and Musicians are already at the bottom rung of society even though everybody from the poorest to the richest person loves to listen to it. Music forms such as important part in so many lives. Unless we perform live and sell merchandise though, it is very difficult to make a living just from recorded music. If you are curious, check out my CV at I have over 70 compositions registered with APRA, have 7 albums out, played big day out 5 times and done 4 international tours (Vanuatu, Australia, UK, Ireland). I think you should show some Mana and be kind.
  • I'm planning to contact the body corporate and true owners of the building shortly if you do not comply or if any of my equipment is damaged
  • Your job positions are now at risk since you have not filled the space I know for sure since 7 September. Pitiful work guys.
  • The building is not great - you should cut losses and accept my offer.
  • I have some covert audio recordings featuring Rachel Beer and sample is also attached. I have also placed the sample only at:
  • Today at 12:25pm I called emergency services on 111 and spoke with them for 6 minutes, claiming I had a vigilante landlord trying to break the law, we had a nice chat about what I can and can't do. Very informative. Maybe will be seeing you and them later in fact.
  • Maybe if I get angry I will launch a bad publicity campaign against Barfoot and co. Send it to the building investors.

Later on Thursday...

Tom got arrested trying to get his gear back, that's why he doesn't have the crash stands in this video: