Robert "Bubby" Lewis Bass Clinic
Last night I went to a Rockshop sponsored bass clinic by Robert "Bubby" Lewis - bass player for Snoop Dogg, Lupe Fiasco and Warren G among others. Real great cat. Always wanted people to ask questions, and got a big number of dudes from the audience to come and jam with him for the 2 bass jams. Was really cool to see the amount of exceptional bass talent that Auckland has to offer, with some amazing playing done by "Junior" and a range of Kiwi bass players got up to have a jam. I asked him about his time with Snoop Dogg and he went into some detail about when Dr Dre rang him up to ask him to come round for the session (Bubby always puts on a great impersonation voice for Dr Dre and also Michael Tobias from MTD basses was awesome).
Favourite phrases he used - "That shits ridiculous", I also love this word. Used to describe the awesome sound of the new MTD entry level basses (one of which is just $999 at Rockshop) which I agree was ridiculously huge and gritty and in your face. The MIDI bass also pumped out some ridiculous sounds.
Gorilla - used to describe pumping B string walking staccato lines - which arguably do sound like a gorilla, especially the way he played it.
Bubby has a really open mind and like's all kinds of music. A memorable part was when he said he started out wanting to play drums, which got a good response from me and I leant over and gave a smile to Dylan Elise. When his sister told him to checkout Dave Weckls album Synergy, that's when he got converted to bass during the intro of one of the songs was a great solo section. Anyhow.... some pics: