Mural for Zionists
Posted by tomachi on October 16th, 2024 filed in NewsRegarding Jabalia bombing 14/10/2024

logicalX: 0
logicalY: 288
windowTitle: Richard Medhurst Live: Israel Shells UN Peacekeepers, Attacks Lebanon, Gaza + More - YouTube — Mozilla Firefox
Hallelujah, Julian Assange has been freed!
Posted by tomachi on July 8th, 2024 filed in NewsHallelujah, Julian Assange has been freed! About time already. Finally the state of world geo-politics can take a turn for the good. When the real villain is still at large: Bush, Cheney, Rumsfield and Boulton; the legacy: a wasteland contaminated with depleted uranium armour piercing shells littering the environment; and the small issue of an unaccouted $40 billion cash - weighing 363 tonnes - sent to Baghdad in 2003.
Julian Paul Assange is an Australian editor, publisher, and activist who founded WikiLeaks in 2006. He came to international attention in 2010 after WikiLeaks published a series of leaks from Chelsea ... Wikipedia
There is no place for government secrets in a democracy. Tiananmen square massacre, the fake reason for the invasion of Iraq, The Tuskegee Experiement, MK Ultra and all the illegal medical experiments, the false flag "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" that started the Vietnam war, which is called The American War in Vietnam, the various scientific censorship of COVID-19 lab-leaks and and vaccine toxicity data, mass surveillance of everybody by the five eyes ongoing, the Kennedy assasination, the assasination of Martin Luther King, Jimi Hendrix, Malcolm X, the drug running of the CIA and Tobacco, the Panama Deception of 1989, the arrest of Kim Dotcom, Watergate, regime change around the world (Cuba, Colombia, Iran, Iraq, Yemen); the lesser known "On the Treadmill to Pearl Harbor", the apparent thermite pouring out of the world trade centers when liquid aluminium should be silver
In the year after the invasion of Iraq in 2003 nearly 281 million notes, weighing 363 tonnes, were sent from New York to Baghdad for disbursement to Iraqi ministries and US contractors. Using C-130 planes, the deliveries took place once or twice a month with the biggest of $2,401,600,000 on June 22 2004, six days before the handover.
https: //$40-Billion-Iraqi-Money-Trail.html
Freedom of speech is the lifeblood of democracy
Posted by tomachi on July 5th, 2024 filed in News, PoliticsJust signed the petition: Stop Universities Undermining our Basic Freedoms my comment reads:
Universities are the first and last places we should expect to find radical information and people who THINK DIFFERENT. These ad hominem attacks retard the evolution of knowledge hindering novel scientific discoveries and findings - and would be normal in China or other totalitarian dictatorship, but in a democracy it is the lifeblood of the beast.
Universities are supposed to be institutions of research and learning where the status quo can be challenged and truth pursued.

Software as a service should actually be rent to buy
Posted by tomachi on January 7th, 2023 filed in Game DevelopmentThis post is an enhanced version of the very long comment I posted on this popular Youtube video What Went Wrong with Gaming? uploaded to Youtube 2 weeks ago by Josh Strife Hayes.
Disturbing footage: Baby Will medical kidnapping
Posted by tomachi on December 16th, 2022 filed in NewsDoes the Bloodbank and Starship feel bad now perhaps for not explaining medical matters on their level and taking a condescending stance that their preference too "impractical" that led to forcible kidnapping, and now, referenced in an Australian shooting?
Holding back on information (I wanna see a pic of the shelf of the Bloodbank so i can visualise the blood products), trying to keep people in the dark about how they come to their decisions or preferences. Not explaining the technical reasons and trying to dumb it down didn't help: I'd sure like to know:
- What blood type is baby Will and also the directed donor?
- How much blood would be needed from the direct donor or donor's?
- How long would processing this blood take?
- Does this operation indicate a requirement for HLA compatible blood?
- If the directed donor is "too old" how old are the donors for blood given to babies normally?
- Why do they care if the direct donor "lies on the screener form"?
- Why do they think he/she would lie about if they have CitoMegaloVirus CMV?
- Is it not possible that the directed donor maybe an ideal donor? How are they sub-standard?
- What quantities of what products are required? Red cells, platelets, plasma etc.
- Is it feasible for a directed donor to provide this, or would this normally come from 2 to 3 people?
- How does the genetic relationships affect matters? It seems that un-related blood may not require such a high level of irradiation, so how is it that the blood of a stranger is less likely to cause "graft versus host" or ta-GVHD and thus death? Surely it also has lymphocytes or do they get taken out by the host rather more quickly? Or do they get irradiated also?
I admit it would be a major pain in the ass to try to organise these transfusion products like that.
But is this "pain in the ass" worth it so the parents don't have to have the police terrorise them?
I don't accept this irrational fear that it would set a precedent and cause others to ask for unvaccinated blood. I visited AKL hospitcal recently (to try and save on GP fee's...) and they didn't seem keen to provide my results, I'm sure when I call up / email them, they will send me mine, find out soon.
It seems reasonable to assume unvaccinated blood would be safer as it has been used for 100 years but the vaccine is new
While I understand a kind of medical kidnapping called medical guardianship maybe standard procedure and nothing new in the democratic dictatorship of NZ, taking a baby from it's parents forcibly because you are unable to explain the variables at play is a weak and lazy approach and a horrific conspiracy to be involved with. Police were called in by the hospital after the baby's parents prevented doctors from taking blood from him for testing (which does sound pretty dumb to be honest but it's besides the point somehow), or performing a chest X-ray or an anesthetic assessment,says RNZ.
Overall, a pretty shocking abuse of power.
Baby Will's parents had ask the blood service take a donation from a person chosen by the family, but the agency refused (why?) as the bloodbank said it does not make a distinction between vaccinated and un-vaccinated donors. But it can and does sometimes handle directed donation, so why the brutality and psychological torture?
Exactly how difficult would that be?
When Dr Kirsten Finucane says it would be impractical to use their donors blood how so?
Is she lazy, under-resourced, evil, or dis-empowered by poor InfoTech solutions to allow their blood donor preference?
Does it require too much blood, or take too much time? 'Splain yourself!
Did they think their actions would end up with the police kidnapping Baby Will like that? Is that a better outcome overall in hindsight?
Or is it more to do with medicine and timing?
In all this we never hear of why Starship/Bloodbank can not do this, because actually they can according to Dr Jim Faed. My theory is that it is due perhaps to their perceived risk of Transfusion Associated-Graft Versus Host Disease
TA-GVHD, is a rare complication (fewer than one per million transfusions), that has a fatality rate greater than 90%. Patients at particular risk of TA-GVHD include:
- Fetal and neonatal recipients of intrauterine transfusions
- Selected immunocompromised recipients
- Recipients of cellular components known to be from a blood relative
- Recipients who have undergone marrow or peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation
- Recipients of cellular components whose donor is selected for HLA compatibility
HLA matching is used to match patients and donors for blood or marrow transplants. If 2 people share the same HLA type, they are considered a 'match'. It's much more complicated than blood typing.
Is blood for Baby Will's operation needing to be HLA matched?
According to this page HLA matching is used for whole blood and bone marrow transplants. Not sure if this operation needs whole blood, so if not it probably doesn't need HLA matched blood. But whatever the operation needs it could be any of:
- Red cells - how much?
- Platelets - how much?
- Frozen Plasma, probably Leucocyte Depleted type - how much?
- Cryoprecipitate - how much?
- other components - how much?
I'm trying to figure out how time consuming it is to prepare all this from 2 or 3 donors.
A component for transfusion (I'm guessing only red cells, platelets or plasma?) prepared from either whole blood or from plasma is collected by apheresis and frozen within 8 hours to -25°c. The storage temperature is maintained during transport. Unless for immediate use, the packs must be transferred at once to storage at the recommended temperature. Once thawed the component must be stored at 2 to 6°C and used within 24 hours. It must not be refrozen.
Would Baby Will need Cryoprecipitate? It is made from plasma, and is thawed using a two-stage process. Stage one is an overnight thaw at -5°C and stage two is an overnight thaw between 2 - 6°C. After thawing, the component is re-centrifuged using a hard spin at 2 - 6°C. The supernatant cryoprecipitate-poor plasma is then partially removed. The sedimented cryoprecipitate is then rapidly frozen. -Need any of that do you reckon Keen to know is all.
I don't think Baby Will's operation requires any fractionated product, I'm about to ask my Dad, but if it did maybe that would be one of:
- RhD immunoglobulin
- Prothrombinex VF
- IVIg
- Albumex 4
- Albumex 20
- Hep. B immunoglobulin
- other?
No Idea How Much Effort
No idea how long it takes to produce any of the stuff above. Also is their donor suitable and able to provide enough volume of blood in time?
Shouldn't the judge have ordered the Bloodbank and Starship hospital to use the blood from Baby Will's parents donor? Instead of using police force?
If they want to do the operation so badly, maybe using the directed donor not so bad? It does sound somewhat time-consuming to make... but ordering the forcible removal of the baby and the use of random blood?
Isn't this a lazy waste of blood?
Using Baby Will's directed donor might mean somebody else can benefit from the same blood.
Forcibly taking a child from it's parents should only be done in the most extreme of situations; instead the judge could have compelled the parents to allow the operation, or compel Starship to comply with the directed donation.
What happened was an international disgrace. It's is such a pity that NZ Judge's have such scant concern for human rights.
Haematologist and transfusion medicine specialist Dr Jim Faed says direct donation of blood from people who aren't vaccinated could be done but is difficult due to:
- He implies Baby Will's donors would lie on their screening form
- Hints at the amount of time and effort required to process directed donor blood
- Says it's possible but unusual practice and it's safest to use volunteer blood
- Fear of TA-GVHD
The Debating World Champion Explains Why Agreement Is Overrated
1.not adapted for use or action; not sensible or realistic."impractical high heels"
Going Cashless would be lazy, reckless, and nearly pointless
Posted by tomachi on December 5th, 2022 filed in NewsAre the so-called benefits from "going cashless" really proven? Which country has done this? I'm starting a petition to make "payment preference cash" a protected characteristic under human rights law.
Who is asking for this?
What is their ulterior motive?
The March 1989 geomagnetic storm caused a nine-hour outage of Hydro-Québec's electricity transmission system. The onset time was exceptionally rapid. Luckily they didn't need power for their currency.
Then in 1998 a 33 day blackout happened: in some cases 3 inches of ice had built up on in a storm that took down 24,000 poles, involved 4,000 transformers, and downed or damaged 1,000 electrical pylons, causing more than 3,000 km of downed electrical conductor; this cost a total of C$800 million to repair. 90% of those affected by the blackout had no power for more than seven days, with the longest outage being 33 days.[19][71] Although power was fully restored to all locations in Quebec by February 8, 1998, it wasn't until mid-March that the power facilities were back in service.[72] By then, much social and economic damage had occurred, such as ruined food and deaths resulting from lack of electric heating.
Cashless maybe an attractive panacea for some authoritaria fascist governments, but going cashless for the hell of it is an absolutely horrendous idea, we must know what we are doing and why. Cashless is a very dangerous and lazy experiment considering the negative ramifications on law-abiding citizens who use it. Such a move is typically irreversible, especially during a power outage. Nobody is desperate for it to be urgently removed and it desperately must stay for fail-over reasons. Also bring back cheques for fucks sake. Cheques didn't hurt you did they? If they did... who are you, a bank? Banks deserve little or no sympathy. Are you a business? Businesses haven't accepted cheques for years in this country, but they made nice gifts sent by mail. I was very disturbed to learn our recent horrible and mentally retarded government has also been trying to meddle with cash.
Hands Off Cash Fools Slow The Heck Down
Horrified today to learn the submissions have closed, here is what I have to say on the matter.
Cash is used to great extent and is without equal used by/for:
- backup payment system works sans-electricity, sans-telecom network, and sans-bank computer
- cash still works after a swim in the ocean, the washing machine, or trip through an MRI machine
- used by the elderly for tactile arithmetic and psycho-simplicity / severe amnesia sufferers
- young people I would expect use it
- have you ever seen a lemonade stand with EFTPOS by the way?
- people without bank accounts... can go to hell? Really? Have you thought about this clearly?
- tourists should do what open an NZ bank account? Fees?
- bills taken home by travellers as souvenirs promote New Zealand
- blind people have a way to count their change and not become victims
- disabled people maybe find it useful (discrimination)
- buskers / street performers / lemonade stalls require it
- emergency donation requesting people / beggers (if this is why, then let's be honest and say it)
- if you wanna be pimp you're gonna need $10,000 bundle as a facial fan to keep cool
- maybe it gives children more counting skills? enables them trade with their friends at school
- people in need of privacy when they transact
- hookers and drug dealers
- coin operated machines would no longer work
- no country has done this without disasterous results
In 1860 a solar flare energised phone-lines, causing operators to rip out their earpieces in pain, and ignited fires all about the place. The same event today, if it wiped out all the power transformers (for example) would also wipe out cashless, putting us firmly back on cash, and possibly even back to cheques. In 2019, the global power transformer market was valued at $27.7 billion, reaching $50 billion by 2027.
- is a reliable piece of critical infrastructure that must not be destroyed!
You could argue some reasons why these fools are considering meddling in matters:
- high frequency gambling enthusiasts (I very much doubt it)
Why on earth would you want to take that away? A sensible step, prior to this, would be to fully and completely repeal The Misuse of Drugs Act, then proceed to tax on entry whichever part of $32 billion worldwide illegal drugs trade then became funnel through here. By not requiring a tax exit we'd have no idea where it's all going theoretically, could be great source of welding jobs, or of sub-marine building companies I dunno. NZ is a shipping nation. We can come up with a boat to move drugs to the world, just like in the America's Cup.
Also who asked you to ask cash money ala notes away? Seriously who asked you to do this?
How is cash hurting them? Ceasing trying to tax those earning less than 20k, and raise the tax-free income bracket to $20k.
The Carrington Event
The Carrington Event was the most intense geomagnetic storm in recorded history, peaking from 1 to 2 September 1859 during solar cycle 10. It created strong auroral displays that were reported globally and caused sparking and even fires in multiple telegraph stations.