Lock up your daughters cos... SirFunkalot is back
Return of the mack.
Lock up your daughters. Although love is bitter, sometimes a little sweetness is nice. This is something no lady will likely see again cos I gotta move house shortly.... what a drama. Shout outs to my wife in Brazil (not joking) sorry about the non-vegan treats, yeah I know, but I gotta do what I gotta do. And shout outs to all my current lady friends at the moment, you know, Ponsonby, Mangere Bridge, Whangarei, Rio, Northcote, Waiheke (yeah it's been a while but I still feel there is something there). That's how life is. It's good to play the cards that you have been dealt. And like a boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss of "the universe" as I see it. And fuck the haters in this lifetime. Warmongers and such. Nuff' said. Sorry about that. I'm sorry about the way I behave if you are in my way and I've given you fair warning of my intention. The Rasta Lucifer is I and I seen?. Seen. sure Nuff said. The prophets in yall. The profits in speech. Over.

non vegan but tasty