The profound rantings of the one like Tom Atkinson… and now art gallery and shop.

Freedom of speech is the lifeblood of democracy

Just signed the petition: Stop Universities Undermining our Basic Freedoms my comment reads:

Universities are the first and last places we should expect to find radical information and people who THINK DIFFERENT. These ad hominem attacks retard the evolution of knowledge hindering novel scientific discoveries and findings - and would be normal in China or other totalitarian dictatorship, but in a democracy it is the lifeblood of the beast.

Universities are supposed to be institutions of research and learning where the status quo can be challenged and truth pursued.

TOBY YOUNG: Founder Of Free Speech Union UK:
On Free Speech In The UK & NZ And The Challenges We Face
2024/06/21  26 min.
Posted by tomachi on July 5th, 2024 filed in News, Politics