Puhoi Tollroad Signup Form is a nightmare
Here's my experience:
- try to login
- don't know my username, so i trigger forgot username
- enter my username, press enter.
- nothing happens (its because pressing enter means "cancel")
- so i try again but this time i click the right button with mouse
- site says "The identification you entered is not correct" which is not a standard error. it shoudl either say "the password has been emailed to you" or it should say "user not known".
- click back to homepage.
- can't even find mention of the tunnel on the homepage at http://www.nzta.govt.nz/ (why the link to "home"? this isn;'t the home!)
- find my bookmark and navigate back to www.tollroad.co.nz
- click "open an account"
- skip past reading a massive block of text then click "next" (im sure ive done this once before)
- now i am at https://tolling.nzta.govt.nz/RegisterPrepay.aspx but i notice this form doesn't support Firefox Auto-fill. Nice - i'll have to fill it by hand.
- now i am being asked for my date of birth! wow that's impressively oppressive. what on earth is the justification for this?
- then i see "secondary customer"! what is this? do i need to fill this? im not sure lets just click "Next" and hope for the best.
- This form has 13 elements including the submit buttons, this is such bad design. Many of these elements should be left blank for many people.
- First try see's that somehow i didnt enter my email twice. do this now.
- Yay, i have made it to the next page.
- now i see the confirm screen where i get to choose my login name.
- now i can add a vehicle, so i put my license plate number.
- the design of this screen is also really bad - although i only have 1 field to fill in, i can't see the submit button its below the fold and needs to be scrolled to.
- when i click next it says "You must add at least one vehicle to continue" - WTF?
- what i had failed to do, was click "add vehicle" - perhaps this is why the continue button is being hidden down the page? nice.
- now to add my motorcycle also... hmm somethings up here i can't.
- oh here's my problem - ive just registered my car as a motorcycle. Nice.
- so i proceed to add the license number of my bike again.
- yes now its looking slightly better - both vehicles entered, but they are both showing as motorbikes.
- so i delete the car.
- then re-enter it, this time selecting Car as the type, and choosing Car and add again.
- now its looking better - two vehicles, both correctly set.
- click "next".
- Enter setup amount. No mention of if this expires. WTF?
- I'm pretty certain this money expires at some stage, so i will try to leave all of this blank and press next.
- No - it says "The amount must be greater than zero". WTF?
- probably by the time i have gotten off the phone my cookie will have expired and this whole 30min process rendered a waste of time.
- luckily after my phone call the sesson is still active.
- i try to fill in $20 and nothing for "auto topup" but aren't allowed. i have to set it to auto-topup. nice.
- then i enter my credit card details and everything goes pretty smoothly.
- at the very end i can see my login details breifly. i forgot to write mine down so hopefully these have also been emailed to me.
Overall, bit of a nightmare process, especially that nasty 13 part form that needs to know some pretty personal details. Probably one of the worst signups ive done for quite some time.
I'd strongly not recommend anyone ever try this. Probably best to just drive through the tunnel and pay after.
Posted by tomachi on July 12th, 2009 filed in Rants