I'm now accepting submissions of ugly car pics from the public.

This next one is from Antony Freeman, its not really ugly but more crazy and special:

Crazy Car
Here it is boys and girls, Mr Ugly Car as seen in NZ:

Ugly Car

3 Wheeled Ugly Car

Kinda cool, but ultimately, kinda ugly car. UPDATE: This is a Ford Taunus. Ugly name too! 

Strange bloated white ugly car of unknown origin

Actually this car is pretty darn cool 

Just plain wrong

Is that a porsche? This is odd... and ugly

Super trippy and ugly van!

WTF? Another strange bulbous looking thing. What up with that?

We call him

This reminds me of those chewing gum cards... what were they called?
Well that's it folks. Some cool pics of some real strange & ugly cars from around the world.

Grab yer-self a Spaceships Campervan next time you're in New Zealand:

Posted by tomachi on August 24th, 2009 filed in Comedy, Rants