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Dear Apple, Please Sort These Issues Out (Error -43, can't search 1.m4a, 3 Letter File Extensions Not Showing)

When I saw "Well that was bug, but now here is a bug", I'm trying to demonstrate an intermittent bug if Mac OS X that does actually rare it's head later in the clip! Amazing. It's search box bug I think, I'd have to watch again to be sure, and well, aint nobody got time for that. This video is supposed to SAVE me time but getting Apple to fix these not take more of it, hehe.

I've been trying to de-dupe my iTunes Library for quite some time now... a few years. Getting mighty sick of it so decided to take matters into my own hands (I'm gonna select all delete the entire thing), but before I do that I am doing "due diligence" on it.

Here is an "open letter" that I wrote to apple about it and filed and official report on it:
27839923 ::: Finder unable to search for 1.m4a and also " 1.m4a" in regular internal HFS disk
- Stupid Finder features going bad
- Unable to search for something like "1.m4a"
- iTunes whacking out making dupes although I admit my problem was initially created on Windows (my iTunes library has had a long life)
- I've done a meta data update to this album ( putting icons on the songs and making the files better for the digital re-launch tonite.
- Error -43 (at 4:28) "The operation can't be completed because one or more items can't be found." #error43 #error-43 #error_43
- Filenames not showing in spotlight search. As in "Do a search for 1.m4a and get 903 results.... the take a look at the filenames and not see the extensions, nor the 1.m4a that show how generated. (7:35)

Posted by tomachi on August 15th, 2016 filed in Mac