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Sierpinski 3D Fractal Still

25 fps test render

25 fps test render


FINISHED!! 6 weeks of rendering: 

Just a casual 20 megapixel render of an animation frame I'm rendering because it's awesome. This is a Sierpinski 3D fractal done in Mandelbulb3d running under Wine on Mac. 5120 x 3840 likely with no anti-alias set. While it's not a final-final render, it's higher res than the main animation will be. Here is the original Mandlebulb3D source file .m3a

Just a casual 20 megapixel render of an animation frame I'm rendering because it's awesome. This is a Sierpinksi 3D fractal done in Mandelbulb3d running under Wine on Mac. 5120 x 3840

Just a casual 20 megapixel render of an animation frame I'm rendering because it's awesome. This is a Sierpinski 3D fractal done in Mandelbulb3d running under Wine on Mac. 5120 x 3840

File under: Sierpinksi (spelling mistake)

Posted by tomachi on July 1st, 2016 filed in Visuals